The ProBinder™ MR20 contains sodium caseinate, maltodextrin, glutamine transaminase, etc. It is mainly used as a protein linker to immobilize protein components together. It includes sodium caseinate, a water-soluble milk protein, which helps to increase the bond strength. It is commonly used to two or more pieces of meat together and can be used to make a variety of shapes that would otherwise be difficult (or impossible) to produce by conventional means.
Step 1 -Coat Product
(Sprinkle product onto the substrate so that all surfaces to be bonded are coated with powder. Shake off excess)→
Step 2 –Align surfaces →
Step 3 –Form or mold
(Vacuum package within about 5-10 minutes, or wrap with plastic wrap)→
Step 4 -Reaction
(Chill product overnight)→
Step 5 –Portion
Note* –Immerse method distributes ProBinderTM preparations more evenly than does sprinkle method.